About ComSyn
ComSyn started out as discussion group about Comparative Syntax at Leiden University Center for Linguistics (LUCL). It has since grown into a series of lectures about (Comparative) Syntax. Speakers from all over the world are welcome to present their work in an informal setting. ComSyn is the perfect place to present work in progress, do a dry run for a conference, or simply share a syntactic puzzle with fellow linguists. If you have any suggestions, please contact one of the organizers—Maarten Bogaards and Irina Morozova.
Upcoming talks
Fall/Winter 2024
12 Sept Jesús Olguín Martinez (Illinois) 19 Sept Gert-Jan Schoenmakers (UU) 10 OctThomas Grano (Indiana)17 Oct Fábio Bonfim Duarte
(Minais Gerais)31 Oct Jenneke van der Wal (LUCL) 21 Nov Richard S. Kayne (NYU) 5 Dec Thomas Grano (Indiana) ComSyn talks are on Thursdays from 16:15-17:30. All talks except for the last two are in Lipsius 0.01. The talk by Richard Kayne on 21 Nov is in Lipsius 1.33 and starts half an hour earlier (15:45-17:00). The talk by Thomas Grano on 5 Dec is in Lipsius 2.08. All talks are livestreamed on Zoom.
Category Archives: Linguistics
Friday 23 June – Jason Merchant
Speaker: Jason Merchant (University of Chicago) Title: Ranked resolution strategies for ellipsis Date: Friday 23 June Venue: Lipsius 147 Time: 15.15-16.30 hrs Abstract ComSyn lecture Jason Merchant
Thursday 15 June – Christos Vlachos
Speaker: Christos Vlachos (Queen Mary University of London) Title: Unselected Embedded wh-Questions Date: Thursday 15 June Venue: Lipsius 2.03 Time: 15.15-16.30 hrs Abstract In this talk, I claim that a functional D-layer may introduce a wh-question in the complement position … Continue reading
Thursday 11 May-Neda Todorovic
Speaker: Neda Todorovic(Institute of Linguistics OTS at Utrecht University) Title: On the syntax-semantics interplay in licensing future interpretation Date: Thursday 11 May Venue: Lipsius 30 Time: 15:15 – 16:30 hrs Abstract In this talk I focus on different ways to … Continue reading
Wednesday 26 April – James Griffiths
Speaker: James Griffiths (University of Konstanz/LUCL) Title: Echo fragments: preliminary remarks Date: Wednesday 26 April Venue: Lipsius 30 Time: 15.15-16.30 hrs Abstract Echo fragments (1b) are the fragmentary (i.e. elliptical) versions of true echo questions (1a) (Sobin 2010). Context: A and B are organising … Continue reading
Thursday 20 April – Heidi Klockmann
Speaker: Heidi Klockmann (Utrecht University /Leiden University) Title: The semi-lexicality of quantificational nouns in English pseudopartitives Date: Thursday 20 April Venue: Lipsius 30 Time: 15.15-16.30 hrs Abstract In this talk, I discuss the use of the quantificational nouns … Continue reading
Thursday 13 April – Jaklin Kornfilt ***DATE CHANGED***
Speaker: Jaklin Kornfilt (Syracuse University) Title: NP versus DP: A cross-linguistic parameter? Date: Thursday 13 April Venue: Lipsius 307 Time: 15.15-16.30 hrs In a series of studies, Bošković (e.g. 2008, 2012, 2013) proposes a linguistic typology based on a posited … Continue reading
Thursday 6 April – Andrés Saab
Speaker: Andrés Saab (Universidad de Buenos Aires / Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas) Title: Ellipsis as silent doubling Date: Thursday 6 April Venue: Lipsius 30 Time: 15.15-16.30 hrs Abstract I address the well-known problem of the identity condition on ellipsis (semantic … Continue reading
Thursday 23 March-Beste Kamali
Speaker: Beste Kamali, Universität Bielefeld Title: Negative concord in Turkish polar questions Date: Thursday March 23 Venue: Lipsius 30 Time: 15:15 – 16:30 hrs Abstract Turkish is a strict negative concord (NC) language. That is, it has n-words rather than … Continue reading
Thursday 9 March – Ora Matushansky
Speaker: Ora Matushansky (CNRS) Title: Matching locatives with places Date: Thursday 9 March Venue: Lipsius 30 Time: 15.15-16.30 hrs Abstract An extremely robust but previously unnoticed cross-linguistic generalization is that the distribution of locative cases is frequently restricted to … Continue reading
Thursday 23 February – Güliz Güneş & Aslı Göksel
Speaker: Güliz Güneş (Leiden University) & Aslı Göksel (Boğaziçi University) Title: Phonology of Agreement: optional double agreement and optional resizing of phonological words in Turkish Date: Thursday 23 February Time: 15.15-16.30 Venue: Lipsius 30 Abstract: THE ISSUE: Stress in Turkish … Continue reading