Speaker: Milan Rezac & Mélanie Jouitteau (CNRS,IKER)
Title: Anaphoric relationships of phi-deficient pronouns
Date: Thursday April 30th
Venue: Huizinga 4
Time: 15:15 – 16:30 hrs
We investigate the remarkable relationship French impersonal pronoun on has to anaphoric pronouns. On the one hand, like the implicit agent of the passive (1) and unlike definites, indefinite (2) or quantifiers, on mostly cannot antecede anaphoric personal pronouns at all, as in (3)b. Remarkably, there is one exception where impersonal on patterns with other DPs against the implicit agent: on can antecede s-pronouns (possessives son, sa, ses; strong pronoun soi) but only under c-command and locality to on (as in (3)a).
(m, n, possibly m=n: ≈ his/her, not one’s)
(1) Ici quand je suis invitéAgent=i dans sa*i/m maison,
here when I am invited in his/her house
…je rencontre ses*i/n amis.
I meet his/her friends
(2) Ici quand une personnei nous invite dans sai/m maison,
here when a person 1p invites in his/her house
… je rencontre sesi/n amis.
I meet his/her friends
(3) a. Ici quand oni nous invite dans sai/m maison,
here when man 1p invites in his/her house
b. … je rencontre ses*i/n amis.
I meet his/her friends
(4) Onj n’ est jamais trop fier de { sesi/j/m idées / soii/j/*m}
one neg is never too proud of his ideas / himself
quand sesi/*j/n projets échouent.
when his projects fail
That seems to have no parallel outside idioms: in English or French there is, to a first approximation, no other DP, definite, indefinite, or quantifier, that is restricted to local anaphora, nothing that would behave in the manner of a hypothetical one* in (4): Onei* is never too proud of {onei‘s ideas, oneselfi} when one*i‘s projects fail. The s-pronouns themselves are otherwise anaphoric to 3rd person DPs, and when they have independent uses they are 3s, not at all comparable to the meaning of on. We present an account of this relationship in terms of the phi-deficiency of impersonal on that restricts it to anteceding phi-deficient pronouns. We cast our analysis in the ‘minimal pronoun’ proposal of Kratzer (2009), where pronouns can be born phi-less, but when phi-less need to establish a syntactic dependency to an antecedent to repair the deficiency for interface reasons, and that dependency is necessarily interpreted as λ-binding.