Speaker: Melle Groen (University of Tübingen)
Title: Hypothetical comparison clauses in Dutch dialects
When: Thu 20 March, 16:15 – 17:30
Where: Lipsius 2.23
Zoom: link / Meeting ID: 651 1518 0819 / Passcode: &YaUi^H9
Hypothetical comparison clauses (HCCs; e.g. ‘she acted as if she were ill’) show considerable morphosyntactic variation, both intra- and cross-linguistically. In some languages, they are transparently composed of an equative particle and a conditional clause (e.g. English as if, French comme si, etc.). In Dutch however, HCCs are not compositional in this way: they are most commonly introduced by alsof, which is cognate to English ‘as if’, but of ‘if, whether’ is not used as a conditional marker in contemporary Dutch. Furthermore, Dutch dialects exhibit a wide range of variation with regard to the complementizer domain of HCCs (see De Rooij 1965): this variation includes various combinations of functional elements, like als ‘as’, of ‘if’, dat ‘that’, and wen(t) ‘when’; verb-first order in the embedded clause, as well as a lexical element (ge)lijk ‘equal’.
In this talk, I present an overview of the morphosyntactic variation in HCCs among the Dutch dialects, and argue that the restrictions on this variation point to one common underlying structure. I will also argue that the data on HCCs have implications for the analysis of the Dutch complementizer domain. Specifically, they imply that the Dutch C-domain consists of two CP layers, rather than three (as proposed by Hoekstra 1993, Zwart 2000), and that the complementizer of ‘if, whether’ should not be uniformly regarded as an interrogative head above the general C/Fin head dat ‘that’, but should instead receive a different analysis in the northern and southern dialects, respectively.