Wednesday 21 February – Artemis Alexiadou

speaker: Artemis Alexiadou (Humboldt University, Berlin)
Title: Some puzzles about derivational morphology
Date: Wednesday 21 February (NOT THURSDAY!!)
Venue: Van Eyckhof 2/002
Time: 15.45-17.00 hrs

Please notice the change of the time and the place!!!


In this talk, I will address two asymmetries observed in derivational morphology across languages. The first asymmetry, discussed in Baker (2003), is that while nominalization is extensive, verbalization is limited. The second one, discussed in Borer (2013), is that there are no zero-derived verb-noun pairs that involve overt affixes. I will approach these asymmetries by adopting a view on word formation couched within the framework of Distributed Morphology.


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